Today's blog is written by Lee Anne Medwid. It’s the Season to be jolly… ho, ho, ho! Christmas decorations appear in...
Managing your Anger
By Angie Blandford, B. Sc., MSW Emotions In the 20th century, Dr. Paul Ekman identified six basic emotions: Anger...
A Guide to Self-Care
Self-Care: What is it? Self-care is exactly as it sounds: caring for yourself. You might wonder just what you have to...
Evidence-Based Therapeutic Approaches
There are many therapeutic approaches that are well-used by mental health practitioners. These approaches assist...
The Power of Forgiveness
Today's blog was written by CFSSC Clinician Debbie Bradley; B.A. (Hons) Psychology, MSW, RSW Forgiveness is a...
Gratitude- A Powerful Skill
Today's blog was written by CFSSC Clinician Kelly Major, MSW, RSW. Living in the 21st century comes with many...
Increasing Access to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Ontario
What We're Doing CFSSC has been taking part in an exciting new pilot initiative called the Increasing Access to...
Using Grounding to Detach from Emotional Pain
Source: Lisa Najavits, PhD WHAT IS GROUNDING? Grounding is a set of simple strategies to detach from emotional...
Dealing with Holiday Blues
The winter holiday season, including Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year's, is typically a fun and happy time for most,...
Managing Conflict Well: Listening Before Reacting
Today's blog was written by one of our in-house clinicians: Ricky Giesbrecht, MA, RP, CCC. Conflict can be messy,...
How Exercise Can Help with Homework
Today's blog is courtesy of the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka School is back in full swing and that means homework! Many...
Feel Bad for the Bully
Feel Bad for the Bully - Why? Bullies usually bully to compensate for deeply-seated insecurities. A gaping hole in...
How To Deal With The Holiday Blues
The holiday season is supposed to be a time of happiness, but for many, it is far from this. Unrealistic expectations,...
Mental Illness Awareness Week – October 2nd-8th 2016
Mental Illness Awareness Week Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is an annual national public education campaign...
Aging Parents
Aging Parents Aging is a natural part of living. If it takes you one minute to read this blog, you will be one minute...
A Simple Guide to Self Care
CFSSC: Simple Guide to Self-Care Self-care is an art in how it is unique to each individual. Also, like any art, it...