CFSSC has partnered with ConnexOntario
You can now get connected with Walk-In Counselling services through ConnexOntario- Health Services Information.
About ConnexOntario:
ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. They are funded by the Government of Ontario. ConnexOntario operates three helplines that provide health services information for people experiencing problems with gambling, drugs or alcohol and mental illness.
Drug and Alcohol Helpline 1-800-565-8603
Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-230-3505
Helpful, supportive Information and Referral Specialists answer all calls, emails or webchat requests 24/7. The service is completely free and confidential.
ConnexOntario plays a key role connecting people in need of support with service agencies in their communities. When people living in Simcoe County and Muskoka call the helpline in need of counselling and therapy support, ConnexOntario staff can give them information about CFSSC Walk-In Counselling services. This means more people will know when and where they can access Walk-In Counselling.
This is a great step forward to maximize how many people hear about the services available for them. People in the communities we serve are able to hear about us from multiple forms of communication (in person, online, and over the phone). The more people who know about CFSSC and about the Walk-In clinics, the more people we can help.
In a report of callers in the Simcoe County area from October 1st- November 15th of this year, there were 199 callers seeking support services through the ConnexOntario helplines.
Learn more about ConnexOntario here.
We currently offer Walk-In Counselling in 5 locations throughout Simcoe County and Muskoka (Barrie, Collingwood, Bracebridge, Midland, and Orillia).
For these Walk-In Clinic locations and hours click here.
Walk-in Counselling Clinics provide FREE single session counselling on a drop in basis and offer a quick access to support for individuals, couples and families. No pre-registration is required!