How couples deal with conflict in their relationship has the potential to either draw them closer together or drive...
Intimacy and its Importance in Relationships
Today's blog is by CFSSC Clinician, Lisa Pelletier The topic of intimacy comes up a lot in couples counselling. Many...
Managing Conflict Well: Listening Before Reacting
Today's blog was written by one of our in-house clinicians: Ricky Giesbrecht, MA, RP, CCC. Conflict can be messy,...
9 Reasons Why Communication Fails
When an argument arises between someone and their significant other, child or another family members, often failed...
CFSSC Client Stories – Judith and John – Couples Counselling
Judith and John were mandated to attend couples counselling after one of their weekly arguments got physical and...
Couples Counselling: A Formula for Healthier Communication
Couples Therapy: What you can do before Allow me to set the stage: two partners are bickering over some basic...