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When you support CFS, you’re also supporting your neighbours, your community and yourself!

When CFS is strong, we all win. That’s because we’re deeply committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of every single member of the Simcoe Muskoka community. Not only are we inclusive, but we actively break down the barriers to service to ensure social equity.

We’re an agency that’s based on compassion, respect, hope and the belief that regardless of the difficulties that people are facing, there are solutions.

Allies welcome! 

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About Individual Counselling

We’re Unique. How?

NO ADMISSION CRITERIA: We are the only family service agency in the region. We do not have admission criteria related to a particular diagnosis, nor do we require a medical referral.  This is particularly important for clients who suffer from multiple diagnoses.

COUNSELLING CLINICS: When people are struggling, time is of the essence. Delays can lead to escalation and crisis. Through our clinics, adults and youth can get help right away. According to our client feedback surveys, without us, 44% of our clients have no where else to turn to.  More than 30% would wait to get an appointment with their busy family doctors or head to a medical clinic or to a hospital.

AFFORDABLE: We work hard to seek funding opportunities that allow us to offer no-cost and sustainable services. Where necessary, the fees we charge are offered on a pay-what-you-can basis to ensure financial constraints are not a barrier to high-quality, professional services. Many of our clients cannot afford to pay the full market rate – on average they can pay only 7% of the cost of their counselling services.  We rely on the generosity of donors, sponsors and funders to meet the growing demand in our community.

Donor Bill of Rights

Listed below is our Donor Bill of Rights. Donors have the right to:

  • Information contained in the public portion of our most recent charity information return (Form T3010) as submitted to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.
  • Access to their donor record and challenge its accuracy.
  • Be informed of our mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
  • Be informed of the identity of those serving on the our Board of Directors, and expect that Board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  • Have access to our most recent audited financial statements.
  • Be assured that we will use their gifts for the purposes for which they were given.
  • Receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition, or to choose to remain anonymous.
  • Be assured that information about their donations will be handled with respect and confidentiality.
  • Expect that all relationships with individuals representing CFS will be professional in nature.
  • Be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the agency.
  • Have the opportunity to have their names deleted from mailing lists, limit the frequency of solicitations and not be solicited by telephone and other technology.
  • Feel free to ask questions when donating and receive prompt, complete and courteous answers.
  • A copy of the Ethical Fundraising & Financial Accountability Code.
  • CFS’s registration number (BN) as assigned by Canada Custom & Revenue Agency.

CFS Counselling + Wellbeing is an accredited, registered charity offering professional counselling services and mental-wellness education. Our services are available to everyone living or working in Simcoe Muskoka regardless of age, ability, cultural or religious background, race, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Who We Help

Ways To Give

Let’s discuss your personal or corporate philanthropy goals.


Contact Michele Lawson, CFS Business Development Manager at mlawson@cfssc.ca or 1-888-726-2503, ext. 121.


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Making a donation online, in person or over the phone is easy and secure. Receipting is automatic for gifts $20+.

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Let’s create a win-win by aligning our brands! Current opportunities include agency and program options.

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Hosting a fundraiser is a great way to enrich local lives! Do it your way and get creative! (We can help!)

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Planned Giving

Are you a forward thinker? Consider your legacy by including an estate gift to CFS in your will.

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Are you a student, a seasoned professional, a retiree, an interested community member? We could use your help!

How Your Donation Helps Us

Your donation could literally change the course of someone’s life – even save it!


A gift of $25 provides...

…a pre-session granola bar for 56 youth who might otherwise be too hungry to focus on their mental health.


A gift of $150 supports...

…a struggling couple with a counselling session to improve their communication skills and repair their relationship.


A gift of $2,500 ensures...

…50 classes of teens receive in-school preventative and early-intervention mental health workshops to build their self-awareness, coping and resiliency skills.

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Why Choose Us 3 of 3
Why Choose Us 1 of 3

Generously Funded By


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Learn More About CFS

CFS has been around 45+ years and keeps getting better. How? We embrace innovation, change and excellence.

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Join Our Team

Are you looking for a workplace that cares about its staff and community? Our turnover is low, but interest is high.

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Check Out Our Events

Whether it’s an upcoming workshop, a community consultation or a dazzling fundraiser, it’s in the calendar!

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