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What is PAR?

The Partner Assault Response (PAR) Program is a Domestic Violence Court initiative that delivers a specialized 12-week community-based group education/counselling program to offenders who have been mandated by the court to attend the PAR program in response to a criminal charge involving domestic violence.

CFS also offers support to victims and current partners referred by the courts and probation.

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About 21

Program Topics

The PAR program covers nine mandatory topics:

  • Domestic Violence – Defining Abuse
  • How Beliefs and Attitudes Affect Behaviour
  • The Effects of Abuse on Children, Partners and Self
  • Understanding Triggers / Warning Signs
  • The Impact of Substance Abuse
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Respectful Communication
  • Dealing with Conflict
  • Responsibility and Accountability

Who is eligible?

The PAR program, funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Ontario Victim Services, is a court-ordered sanction. Eligibility for the program is determined by the Crown Attorney and/or Probation office.

To register, you must have a court order (Probation Order, Release Order, Peace Bond, Bail Variation, Undertaking etc.) mandating you to attend a PAR program.

Who We Help

Frequently Asked Questions

Any questions you may have will be answered during the PAR Program intake. In the meantime, we’ve  compiled this list of FAQs for you to browse. Maybe your question will be on the list!


How long is the PAR program?

The PAR Program runs for 12 sessions.

Is the online registration long and complicated?

No, The questions are quick and easy to complete.

Can I access language interpretation supports if I need them?

Yes. If you require interpretation services, please call us at 705-726-2503, ext. 111.

Can someone else complete the online booking for me?

No. The individual completing the booking must be the one who is attending the intake.

What if I don't have the technology to book online?

If you are unable to complete the online bookng, we can assist you. Please call us at 705-726-2503, ext. 111.

Do you offer in-person intake services?

Yes. We can arrange an in-person intake in both Barrie and Orillia.

Is there a fee to participate for the PAR Program?

Yes. This will be discussed at your intake appointment.


CFS is the only family service agency in our region. In addition to PAR, we offer other high quality, affordable and accessible services to support the growing and changing needs of individuals, couples, families and workplaces across our region. PAR clients are encouraged to browse our other services to access additional complementary programming.


Inclusive Programming


Ease of Service Access

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Why Choose Us 3 of 3
Why Choose Us 1 of 3

Register for PAR

Registration for PAR is now being completed online. If you require support in securing an appointment, please call 1-888-726-2503.

Client Rights and Responsibilities

Client Rights & Responsibilities

At CFS Counselling + Wellbeing, we foster a culture of mutual respect and inclusivity, where everyone feels safe and valued. We do not tolerate discriminatory or aggressive behaviors and expect all clients, staff, volunteers, and partners to contribute to this positive environment. I understand that a failure to uphold this culture of respect may result in termination of services.

PAR is generously funded by


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