A message from outgoing CFSSC Board President - Maureen Shave (2011-2017) Over the past six years, my fellow Directors...
9 Reasons Why Communication Fails
When an argument arises between someone and their significant other, child or another family members, often failed...
CFSSC Stories – Sean – Family Counselling
Family Counselling for Youth Twelve year old Sean* was referred to Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County by a...
CFSSC Stories – Greg – Domestic Violence
Counselling for Domestic Violence Greg* was referred to CFSSC for anger management due to his abusive relationship...
CFSSC Stories – Theresa – Depression Counselling
*Please note the name in this story has been changed for privacy of the client* “Theresa” suffered from depression....
Supporting Our Youth’s Mental Health
Today's blog was written by the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka. Supporting our Youth’s Mental Health The YMCA is dedicated to...
CFSSC Client Stories – Judith and John – Couples Counselling
Judith and John were mandated to attend couples counselling after one of their weekly arguments got physical and...
NEWS ADVISORY: CFSSC reallocates resources
Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County (CFSSC) is shifting resources to better serve its clientele. As a result,...
CFSSC Stories – Jim – Walk-In Counselling
*Please note the name in this story has been changed for privacy of the client* "I came to a walk-in clinic at...
CFSSC Stories – Mark – Youth Counselling
Mark’s family brought him to CFSSC for youth counselling when he was 16. At that time, he was skipping more classes at...
CFSSC Stories – Alan – Walk-In Counselling
"My wife Elaine and I had been separated for about 6 months when she told me she wanted a divorce. I’d been hoping we...
CFSSC Stories – Heather – Individual Counselling
"I came to the Walk-in Counselling Clinic looking for help because I was having difficulty sleeping; I found I was...
CFSSC Stories – Jeff – Individual Counselling
In the summer of 2015, Jeff lived only to feed his addictions. He'd lost his business, his friends and his family....
CFSSC Stories: Matt and Sandra – Relationship and Individual Counselling
Matt and Sandra (names have been changed to protect privacy), a young couple in their 20’s attended one of our walk-in...
Couples Counselling: A Formula for Healthier Communication
Couples Therapy: What you can do before Allow me to set the stage: two partners are bickering over some basic...
Mental Illness Awareness Week – October 2nd-8th 2016
Mental Illness Awareness Week Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is an annual national public education campaign...
Aging Parents
Aging Parents Aging is a natural part of living. If it takes you one minute to read this blog, you will be one minute...
Welcome to our Blog!
Welcome to The Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County Blog! Welcome to Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County: A...